History of Fayette County
From R. S. Dills' History of Fayette County
February 25, 1831, an election was held at the court house, and the foltowing officers were elected: Mayor, Benjamin Hinton; recorder, Calvin B. Woodruff; trustees, Thomas McGarraugh, William Halt, Jesse Millikan, Eber Patrick, and James Shivers.
April 4, 1881, Daniel McLain was appointed treasurer, and Arthur McArthur was appointed marshal.
April 13, 1831, it was ordained that all grocers who wished to sell spirituous liquors in less quantities than one quart, must first obtain the privilege from the mayor by paying license of $3.75,
April 13, 1832. Resolved that stated meetings of council shall be held on the first Mondays of June, September, December, and March, of each year.
April 28, 1832, it was resolved not to license any person to retail spirituous liquors from and after the first day of July next (1832).
June 4, 1832, two mills to the dollar were levied on the taxable property of the city for corporation purposes.
At same meeting an ordinance to prohibit shooting within the city limits was passed, and the penalty for violation of the same was fixed at one dollar.
March 15, 1833, the mayor and recorder were instructed to advertise for bids for the erection of a house on the west corner of the public square.
March 19, 1833, Henry Phelps, Norman F. Jones, Wade Loofborrow, and Jesse Millikan were allowed $9.37½ for their interest in the fire engine "Leo," which they purchased of W. H. H. Pinney.
April 13, 1833, it was decided to build a fire-engine house fourteen feet long, eight feet wide, and eight feet high, and the contract was awarded to Thomas, at thirty-nine dollars.
June 3, 1833, two mills were levied to the dollar on the taxable property, for corporation purposes.
October 28, 1833, engine house received by council.
January 6, 1834, a committee was appointed to examine fire engine, and order the same to be put in complete repair, and have ten ladders made for the use of the corporation.
June 7, 1837, a levy of two mills made for corporation purposes.
June, 1838, levy of two mills made.
June 24, 1838, levy of two mills made.
August 10, 1839, John L. Vandeman was appointed marshal, to fill vacancy occasioned by the death of David McLain.
Septeniber 30, 1839, John Saunders was appointed mayor, to fill vacancy occasioned by the removal of Dr. James M. Beard from the corporation limits.
March 23, 1840, Joseph Bell was elected mayor, Orlando Loofborrow recorder, and Alfred S. Dickey, John Saunders, William A. Tulleys, Nicholas Hays, and L. D. Willard, trustees.
March 3, 1840, Elam Hinton elected treasurer, and William P. Rowe marshal.
April 8, 1840, it was decided to make extensive improvements on the streets and alleys.
April 14, 1840, Joseph Bell tendered his resignation as mayor, which was accepted, and Thomas Hall appointed to fill the vacancy.
April 17, 1840, Wade Loofborrow was appointed mayor, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Colonel Bell. [From this it would seem that Mr. Hall declined the appointment received the 14th.—Writer.]
June 15, 1840, Fletcher Backenstow was appointed councilman in place of L. D. Willard, who had removed from the city limits.
February 5, 1840, E. W. Turner appointed marshal to fill vacancy caused by the removal beyond the corporation limits.
March 22, 1841, the following officers were elected: Mayor, John McLain, jr.; recorder, William Halt; councilmen, Peter Windle, Samuel McLain, Richard Smith, Joseph Blackmore, and Jeptha Davis.
March 22, 1841, Orlando Loofborrow was appointed to serve as marshal, and Jared Plumb to serve as treasurer, till others could be appointed.
June 5, 1841, William McElwain was appointed treasurer in stead of Jared Plumb, who refused to serve longer.
August 11, 1841, twenty-one dollars appropriated to purchase a plow and two scrapers for use of corporation.
August 19, 1842, it was ordained that all male citizens between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years of age, living within the corporation limits of the city, should perform two days' labor on the streets of the village each year.
June 3, 1843, a levy of one mill was made for corporation purposes.
March 21, 1845, ordinance adopted making it lawful for three months for citizens to kill any dog running at large on the streets after 12 o'clock the following day. [That council ought to have had a monument erected to its memory.—Writer.]
November 22, 1846, in order to protect property from fire, an ordinance was passed making it unlawful to deposit ashes within ten feet of any building; also, it was ordered that the marshal inspect all fire-places, and see that they were put in proper repair if in an unsafe condition.
October 23, 1847, it was ordered that a walk be constructed across Market Street; one from Hinds Street, at the Presbyterian Church; and from Fayette Street, adjacent to the property of N. Hay, to the property of Peter Windle; said road walks to be four feet wide, six inches deep in the middle of the street, and three inches at the side.
August 7, 1848, adopted rules and regulations for the government of Washington Fire Company, which was reorganized under act of General Assembly, passed March 13, 1843.
August 15, 1848, ordimmce passed prohibiting hogs from roaming at large within the corporation limits.
August 25, 1851, lioense issued to J. M. June & Co., to exhibit their "American and European Amphitheater" on August 8th, on payment of ten dollars.
November 15, 1851, mayor and recorder were instructed to grant the right of way on the north side of East Street to the Cincinnati, Zanesville and Wilmington Railroad.
June, 1852, levy of three mills on taxable property of corporation was made.
June 29, 1852, ordinance passed to prohibit the sale of intoxicants within the corporation limits.
December 2, 1852, $1,255 were ordered paid to Newman & Pritchard, of Cincinnati, for fire engine, hose reel and hose carriage.
January 7, 1853, paid William Burnett $25 for bringing engine, hose, etc., from Cincinnati.
April 2, 1853, appropriated $150 for the building of a cistern, to hold not less than one hundred and fifty barrels, at the crossing of Main and Court streets.
June, 1853, two and one-half mills were levied on the dollar for corporation purposes.
August 23, 1853, passed ordinance regulating the buying and selling of hay and grain, and establishing the ofiice of weigh master.
March 3, 1855, an ordinance passed prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors in the village of Washington. (This ordinance was afterward declared to be in conflict with the state laws on this subject, and was decided ineffectual.)
On pages 240 and 241 of the minutes appear an ordinance creating permanently the office of street commissioner, but the date of its passage is not given.
June 17, 1858, an ordinance was passed creating a special police, enlarging the force to four, and defining their duties.
July 16,1858, an ordinance was passed making the flying of kites within the city limits an offense, and fixing the penalty for the violation of the above ordinance at not less than fifty cents, nor more than five dollars.
December 10, 1858, an ordinance was passed allowing the mayor in certain cases that came before him for adjustment to appoint a jury to sit upon the same.
At the same meeting an ordinance was passed requiring persons offering goods at auction in the city of Washington, to pay into the treasury a license of not less than five, nor more than twenty dollars, at the discretion of the mayor, for said privilege.
December 17, 1858, an ordinance was passed allowing the mayor to COMMIT ofifenders (the ordinance don't say where) who refuse to pay the fines assessed against them.
December 6, 1859, an ordinance was passed making it an offense to create any loud or boisterous noise within the corporation limits of the village of Washington, and imposing fines upon persons convicted of such misdemeanors of not less than two dollars, nor more than twenty dollars, with costs of prosecution.
September 11, 1863, an ordinance was passed prohibiting swine from running at large within the city limits.
July 4, 1864, ordinance passed making it an oflfense to leave, or cause to be left, any team, wagon, buggy, or other vehicle, or any horse, mule, or other animal, on any street in the village within thirty feet of any house or dwelling, or any fence in front of same, without the consent of the owner of said premises, or hitch or fasten any horse or other animal to any ornamental or shade tree, planted or growing along or upon any such street, any person shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than five dollars, nor less than fifty cents, for each offense.
February 20, 1866, an ordinance was passed, submitting the question of the annexation of certain territory to the village of Washington to the qualified voters of Washington, bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at a stone in the line of John Vandemau and Curran Millikan, where an elm bears S. 30° E. 16 links and 72 poles west of the west corner of said incorporated village thence N. 46½° E. 425 poles (crossing the Jamestown road at 34 poles and the Jeftersonville road at 208 poles) to a jack oak in the line of M. A. Melvin and Lenox Campbell; thence S. 43½° E. 340 (crossing the Columbus road at 150 poles and the Circleville Turnpike at 303 poles) to a stone on the line of Daniel McLean; thence S. 46½° W. 425 poles (crossing the railroad at 88 poles and the lower Greenfield road at 244 poles) to a stone in Daniel McLean's pasture, where a burr oak bears N. 66° E. 36 links, and a jack oak bears S. 51° E. 48 links; thence N. 43½° W. 340 poles (crossing the Greenfield road at 60 poles, and the Leesburg road at 162 poles, and the turnpike at 186 poles) to the beginning thereof." The above was submitted to the qualified voters of Washington at the regular annual election in April, 1866, for their approval or rejection.
February 11, 1867, ordinance passed making it unlawful to sell, or offer for sale, or give away, any obscene literature, picture, or statuary, bathe between sunrise in the morning and dark in the evening, harbor any strumpet or whore, or misuse any animal, within the corporate limits of Washington, and imposing fines not exceeding fifty dollars for said offenses.
June 1, 1868, an ordinance was passed making it unlawful for persons to hold familiar conversation with any common prostitute on the streets, at fairs, or any public place or gathering, within the limits of Washington, or to keep any house of infamy within the corporate limits of said village, and imposing fines of not more than thirty dollars, or imprisonment not more than ten days, or both, at the discretion of the mayor.
July, 1868, ordinance passed punishing vagrancy and prostitution within the city limits.
February 2, 1869, ordinance passed to prohibit ale and porter shops, and other houses of resort for tippling and intemperance, within the corporation limits. (This has since been repealed.)
April 16, 1870, ordinance passed requiring certain municipal officers to execute the following bonds before entering upon the duties of their respective offices: Mayor, one thousand dollars; marshal, two thousand dollars; and the clerk, one thousand dollars.
May 24, 1870, ordinance passed authorizing the destruction of gaming implements found within city limits; also, ordinance passed closing business places on Sunday.
August 15, 1870, ordinance passed requiring persons running hack coaches, or omnibuses, first to obtain a license from the mayor for such privilege.
October 10, 1870, ordinance requiring owners of shade trees to keep the same trimmed to the height of not less than eight feet from the ground, and imposing fines of not less than one dollar, nor more than five, for the neglect of the above requirements.
October 10, 1870, ordinance passed to prohibit the running at large of vicious dogs on the streets of Washington, and fixing the penalty of the owners of such animals, in case of the violation of the above ordinance, at not less than two dollars, nor more than — dollars, and costs of prosecution.
January 2, 1875, ordinance passed establishing a board of health in Washington Court House, and to define the duties of said board.
February 20, 187-, ordinance passed authorizing the removal of members of council, or any elective ofiicers of Washington, for any malfeasance in their official duties. Section 2 of the above ordinance provides that charges shall be preferred in writing, and may be made by council, or any three citizens of the village.
March 8, 1875, ordinance passed to punish vagrancy, disturbance of the peace, and to apprehend and confine suspicious characters.
May 11, 1875, ordinance passed permitting the Washington Gas Light Company to establish works within the city.
January 10, 1876, ordinance passed supplementary to an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to Punish Vagrancy," etc., passed March 25, 1875.
March 16, 1876, ordinance fixing the salaries and regulating the fees of mayor, marshal, and clerk, which are as follows : Mayor, two hundred dollars ($200) per year, with such fees as are allowed by law when the fines are collected; marshal, three hundred dollars ($300), and such fees as may be allowed by law; clerk, two hundred dollars ($200) per year.
May 8, 1876, ordinance passed amending the ordinance of March 25, 1875.
May —, 1876, ordinance creating the oflice of street commissioner, and regulating the duties thereof.
August —, 1876, ordinance passed regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors in Washington Court House.
August 14, 1876, ordinance passed to punish fast driving or riding through the streets of Washington,
January 14, 1878, ordinance passed regulating the price of gas furnished by the Washington Gas Light Company.
At tlie same meeting an ordinance was passed creating the office of city solicitor, and to provide for the election of said officer.
October 14, 1878, ordinance passed punishing vagrancy, disturbers of the peace, and suspicious characters.
October 17, 1878, ordinance passed for the suppression of houses of ill-fame within the city limits.
July 28, 1879, ordinance passed to regulate the use of vehicles about the railroad depots, and to prevent disturbance and disorderly conduct, and to protect travelers in and about said depots.
January 22, 1880, ordinance passed to regulate and license auctioneering, hawking, peddling, and huckstering in the incorporate village of Washington Court House.
March 11, 1880, ordinance passed authorizing the annexation to Washington of certain territory lying contiguous thereto.
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