Fayette County History & Genealogy

History of Fayette County

From R. S. Dills' History of Fayette County


Joseph Rank was very probably the first merchant in Washington, and occupied a hewed log building (one end of which he used for a dwelling) on the east corner of Main and Market streets. He began business there perhaps as early as 1811, and continued until 1813, when he became financially embarrassed, and his property was sold to Samuel Waddle, step-father of Judge D. McLean.

About the time that Runk began business at the place above located, or probably a little later, Peter Hefley opened a small store on the southeast side of Court Street, about where Boyer's drug store stands.

Henry Snyder and Jesse Mulloy ran a store for a while, then Mulloy retired, and Snyder carried on the store.

Pierce Evans came with a large stock of goods in 1814. He was soon followed by Samuel Evans and sons, from Highland County. Pierce Evans built a store-room on the site of the old T. D. & B. depot, and ran it until 1822, when he failed. Samuel Evans and sons continued for a time, sold out, and went into the tavern business on the corner where now stands the drug store of Brown Brothers.

Waddle & McGarraugh started a general country store in 1817, the former running the store, and the latter practicing medicine, which was continued until 1822.

When Pierce Evans failed, his goods were taken by John Boyed, and the business was carried on for years by James Shivers, who also kept drugs, and when he retired he was succeeded in the drug business by Daniel McLain.

In 1830 there was a firm by the name of John McManis & Co. Samuel Yeoman, William Mcllwain, Webster Melvin & Co., and Henry Robinson & Co., were in business about 1838-'40.

Union Township
