Fayette County History & Genealogy

History of Fayette County

From R. S. Dills' History of Fayette County



The African Methodist Episcopal Church was organized at Dennis Brown's house, in July, 1867, by Rev. Mr. Arnett, of Circleville, and services were held at the house of several members of the congregation for more than a year. Hamilton was rented and occupied for some time, after which the congregation rented the old Methodist Episcopal Church, where services were held about one year. In 1875, a committee, consisting of David Rodgers and Mills Gardner, were appointed to negotiate the purchase of the old Catholic church, on Main Street, for this congregation. This they accomplished, paying two thousand dollo-rs for the property. Mr. Rodgers donated one thousand dollars to the society, toward the purchase.

Mr. Arnett preached only four times. William Hogan was appointed, and remained with the charge until his death, which took place at Wilmington about a year afterward ; Perry Ross filled his unexpired time. Wadkins Lee was then appointed, and remained two years. He was succeeded by Father William Morgan, and since Morgan, the following ministers have served in the order of their appointment : Edward Wright two years, Mr. Toney two years, Elder Green two years. Rev. Charles Bundy was appointed in August, 1877, and still remains.

Union Township
